The Sandwich Man, Syracuse, Italy

If you’ve asked anyone about their time in Syracuse, chances are they will mention Andrea, the sandwich man.
With queues around the block it’s not hard to find Caseificio Borderi, a deli and sandwich restaurant tucked in by the markets.
Whether you’re waiting for the food or the entertainment you will not leave disappointed, or on an empty stomach!
We lined up after a friend had recommended it to us and started our journey around 11am. We were entertained with samples of the food being prepared and tastes of the fillings used to make these amazing sandwiches, there was singing, dancing, chanting, and wine tasting given out in thimbles all while we waited our turn to walk away with our prized focaccia.
I don’t know if it was truly the most amazing sandwich I have ever eaten or if the wait had made it so, but as we sat in silence savoring every bite, we couldn’t wipe the smug smiles off our faces. A wonderful, truly memorable (and tasty) experience indeed!
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