Tigers Nest And Tea With A Monk in Bhutan

A few hours after starting our trek early in the morning, we have reached the truly incredible Tigers Nest Monastery. Trying to stop ourselves from taking a photo from every angle and every step, we wander through the monastery with our guide, learning about the importance of the history of this monument. Around a quiet corner from the Tigers Nest we were intrigued about a deserted side track and asked our guide if we could venture a little further. He was excited to guide us towards a little-known viewpoint high above the monastery and the people below enjoying its wonders. Along the way we crossed paths with a wise old monk ascending to his home atop the mountain. He was laden with belongings and we offered to help and assisted him in carrying his possessions towards the top. The monk lived in complete peace and isolation and had chosen to live his remaining years in quiet solitude and prayer. By way of thanks for our help he invited us into his humble home for masala chai and puffed rice. Sitting on the floor of his home we sat sipping our brews above the clouds and with a clear view down to the famed monastery. This was truly a spontaneous and magical experience and one that could not be recreated without the incredible hearts of the Bhutanese people.
For a beautiful recount of a Buddhist festival click here